
Real Name: Roger Drum

First Appearance: Thun'Da #1 (1952)

Original Publisher: Magazine Enterprises

Created by: Frank Frazetta

Golden Age Origin:

Thun'Da, Roger Drum, was an Air Force officer flying across Africa on a spy-chasing mission when his plane went down in unexplored territory, a prehistoric lost world. After crashing in the heart of the valley, he escaped from his aircraft and was captured by hostile ape-men, but he managed to escape. While wandering through the valley, he pushed himself to exercise daily and became a paragon of physical perfection. Later, he fell in love with Princess Pha, a local beauty and the ruler of the people who lived in the valley. After fighting and killing the hostile ape-men, Thun'Da rang the sacred gong of the ape-men's temple, summoning "the mother of all serpents." He killed the monster with the last three bullets from his gun. By killing the beast, not only did he win the respect of Pha's people, but he also was revered as a god. Unfortunately, after an earthquake ravaged the lost valley, it was sealed from the world forever. However, Thun'Da was able to get Pha to safety along with their pet sabertooth tiger, but her people were killed in the disaster. The princess then accompanied Thun'Da to explore the Congo, where he spent the rest of his vine-swinging career.

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Real Name: Jimmy Christopher First Appearance: Operator #5 vol. 1 #1 (April 1934) Original Publisher: Popular Publications Created by: Frederick C. Davis (as "Curtis Steele") Golden Age Origin: Operator 5 was really Jimmy Christopher, a maverick secret service agent who worked as main operative for an ambiguous government organization. For this organization, Jimmy Christopher fought against America's enemies' efforts to take over America. The enemies were often from countries with fictional names and veiled references to nations such as Germany and Japan. Examples of foes fought by Operator 5 included the Thirteenth Darkness, The Atlantis (a flying fortress), The Yellow Scourge, Zaava, and the Black Menace. In addition to being a secret agent, he was a master of disguise, radio operator, chemist, and weaponry expert. Operator 5 also had two trademarks: a skull ring and a rapier which was kept curled inside his belt.