
Real Name: Niles Reed

First Appearance: Target Comics vol. 1 #10 (Nov. 1940)

Original Publisher: Novelty Press

Created by: Dick Briefer


The Target is Niles Reed, a metallurgist who doubles as a spy for the U.S. Army. Niles’ brother James is killed by gangsters, so the enraged Niles decides to go after them. He designs a special suit for himself, avenges his brother’s death, and then begins helping the military on the home-front. He is partnered with the Targeteers. Tina, their secretary, knew the team's secret identities, and would help them or be rescued by them frequently.

The Target has no powers, but he wears an “indestructible metallic fibre suit” which renders him bullet- and grenade-proof. He uses special darts which he can hurl with incredible speed and accuracy.

During World War II, Niles, Dave and Tom are drafted into the Army, Navy and Marines, respectively. They fought in the Pacific theater, changing into costumes when needed. Because they served in different branches of the military, they seldom met together, so the stories tended to focus on one Targeteer at the time.

Later in the war, they K-9 Corps, where worked with a German Shepard named Rex. Aftter Japan surrendered and they were discharged, they formed their own private investigation firm known as The Troubleshooter Agency.

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Real Name: Jimmy Christopher First Appearance: Operator #5 vol. 1 #1 (April 1934) Original Publisher: Popular Publications Created by: Frederick C. Davis (as "Curtis Steele") Golden Age Origin: Operator 5 was really Jimmy Christopher, a maverick secret service agent who worked as main operative for an ambiguous government organization. For this organization, Jimmy Christopher fought against America's enemies' efforts to take over America. The enemies were often from countries with fictional names and veiled references to nations such as Germany and Japan. Examples of foes fought by Operator 5 included the Thirteenth Darkness, The Atlantis (a flying fortress), The Yellow Scourge, Zaava, and the Black Menace. In addition to being a secret agent, he was a master of disguise, radio operator, chemist, and weaponry expert. Operator 5 also had two trademarks: a skull ring and a rapier which was kept curled inside his belt.