
Real Name: Bart Hill

First Appearance: Silver Streak Comics #6 (Sept. 1940)

Original Publisher: Lev Gleason

Created by: Jack Binder & Jack Cole


First Origin

As a child, Bart Hill was witness to his parents' brutal murder. The murderer also branded Bart with a hot iron, leaving a boomerang-shaped scar on the left side of his chest. This traumatic experience left the boy mute. He trained his entire life in the art of the boomerang, eventually becoming a master boomerang marksman. He then developed a costume and took to the streets as the vigilante crime-fighter Daredevil.

Second Origin

With Bart Hill/Daredevil speaking in his second appearance (Silver Streak Comics #7), his origin story needed to be ret-conned. In the new origin, Bart Hill's parents were killed while in Australia. Bart was then raised by a tribe of aborigines who taught him the art of using boomerangs. As an adult, he returned to the U.S. and fought crime as Daredevil.

Daredevil fought an epic war against the Claw in the 1940s. Prior to the U.S. being involved in World War II, the Claw allied himself with Adolf Hitler. This prompted Daredevil to team up with the Silver Streak, Lance Hale, Cloud Curtis, Dickie Dean and the Pirate Prince (the latter probably via Yankee Longago acting behind the scenes). Later on, Daredevil found himself a group of sidekicks called the Little Wise Guys. In addition to the Claw, Daredevil also battled The Bolt, The Deadly Dozen, The Scarlet Skull and Wolf Carson, among others.

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Real Name: Jimmy Christopher First Appearance: Operator #5 vol. 1 #1 (April 1934) Original Publisher: Popular Publications Created by: Frederick C. Davis (as "Curtis Steele") Golden Age Origin: Operator 5 was really Jimmy Christopher, a maverick secret service agent who worked as main operative for an ambiguous government organization. For this organization, Jimmy Christopher fought against America's enemies' efforts to take over America. The enemies were often from countries with fictional names and veiled references to nations such as Germany and Japan. Examples of foes fought by Operator 5 included the Thirteenth Darkness, The Atlantis (a flying fortress), The Yellow Scourge, Zaava, and the Black Menace. In addition to being a secret agent, he was a master of disguise, radio operator, chemist, and weaponry expert. Operator 5 also had two trademarks: a skull ring and a rapier which was kept curled inside his belt.